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Bob @ Beauty in Ruins

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These are the chronicles of a book addict, a photo junkie, and an aspiring author, rewriting the very fabric of reality one page (and one snapshot) at a time. From the strange to the unusual; the abandoned to the abnormal; the haunted to the historic; the supernatural to the surreal; the forests of dark fantasy, the cemeteries of gothic horror, and the post-apocalyptic ruins of science fiction are the landscapes of my imagination.

Currently reading

Deathstalker Rebellion: Being the Second Part of the Life and Times of Owen Deathstalker
Simon R. Green
Progress: 298/508 pages

Sci-Fi Review: New Megiddo Rising by Lars Teeney

New Megiddo Rising: An 'Apostates' Novella - Lars Teeney

I went into New Megiddo Risingthinking it was the first novella in a new series, but it turns out it's actually prequel to Lars Teeney's debut novel,The Apostates. While the novella can certainly be read alone, I can't help but feel that knowledge of the larger story might help to smooth over some of the gaps, put events in context, and make the conclusion feel like less of a dead stop.

Concept-wise, this was a really intriguing story. It's basically a post-apocalyptic dystopia, layered atop an alternate history (that sees Mexico as the real political power), driven by some deep commentary on the terrifying prospect of a fundamentalist Christian theocracy in America. It's a dark, ugly, unsettling future, and one that feels justifiably ripe for rebellion. I was immediately intrigued by the world and what was going on, and just as invested in the fate of the characters.

Character development was a bit simplistic here, without any read depth or backstory, but that may very well be something the novel expands upon. The roles were fascinating, particularly the more militant arms of the church, and the stench of corruption permeated the text. Dialogue was strong, however, and some of the narrative framework was nicely detailed and very well developed. Additionally, there were interesting bits of futuristic technology scattered through, contrasting nicely with the almost third-world conditions, but I wasn't quite sure how the two could coexist.

Like a lot of self-published titles, this could benefit from the touch of an editor - a query is not the same as a quarry - but I was sufficiently intrigued by the concept and the potential in the characters to keep The Apostates on my radar for a future read.

ebook, 87 pages
Published September 14th 2015 by Lars Teeney

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this title from the author in exchange for review consideration.This does not in any way affect the honesty or sincerity of my honest review.
Source: http://beauty-in-ruins.blogspot.ca/2015/10/sci-fi-review-new-megiddo-rising-by.html