PLEASE NOTE: I'm rarely active here anymore, but please feel free to follow me on Goodreads, where I post regularly.
These are the chronicles of a book addict, a photo junkie, and an aspiring author, rewriting the very fabric of reality one page (and one snapshot) at a time. From the strange to the unusual; the abandoned to the abnormal; the haunted to the historic; the supernatural to the surreal; the forests of dark fantasy, the cemeteries of gothic horror, and the post-apocalyptic ruins of science fiction are the landscapes of my imagination.
This just did not work for me. Maybe I'm not hip enough or cool enough to appreciate it, but it really got on my nerves. The narrator grated on me, the writing style just annoyed me, I was already sick of the moral/social commentary after the first chapter, and I was bored - not even frustrated, just bored - trying to follow the so-called plot.
As for the much-touted sex and violence, it felt like he was trying way too hard to shock, simply for the sake of being offensive. Reading this reminded me of listening to a kid who snuck a peak at his dad's porn stash, picked up a few curse words from his older brother, and then tried sharing it all in the most inappropriate places, naively thinking that it's so very clever and amusing.
There was nothing exciting or intriguing about it this. Usually, I'll skim ahead a bit, or at least check out the last chapter before condemning a book to the DNF shelf, but I just didn't care.